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Ball:   11-inch USSSA approved ball. League will provide game balls.


​Innings/Time limits: Games will be 60 mins with no new inning starting after 55 minutes


​Runs per inning: A maximum of 5 runs per can be scored in each inning by each team


​Offensive: The batting line up will consist of all players present.  An automatic out will be taken if only 7 batters (unless agreed upon between coaches). If a player cannot continue due to injury or illness, that player will be skipped and no out will be counted, just be sure that both book keepers are aware.


Defensive Positions:  The defensive team will consist of 10 players on the field with a minimum of 8, 6 infielders including the catcher and 4 outfielders. 


​NOTE: the use of DP/FLEX is not allowed. All players on the lineup care will hit. 


Coach Pitch Only: The player pitcher must have at least one foot in the pitcher’s circle when the batter’s coach is pitching. No other defensive players may be positioned inside the pitcher’s circle at the same time. The outfield is defined as the grass areas on a regulation sized youth field or at least 10 feet beyond the baseline for other playing surfaces. Pitch is to be delivered from front of circle.


​Batting: The batter will receive 5 pitches or 3 swinging strikes, whichever occurs first. Each pitch will count as one of the 5 even if the batter doesn’t swing.  If the 5th pitch is hit foul there will be a courtesy pitch, if 6th pitch is foul then batter is out. 

·        NO bunting

·        The batter is out on the 3rd strike whether caught or uncaught. 

·        There shall be no Base on Balls (Walking) awarded.

·        Batters hit by a pitch will not be awarded 1st base. 


Runner: May NOT leave any base until ball pitched, reaches home plate.


​Overthrow Rule: Only 1 base to be allowed if overthrow occurs at 1st base. 

(Example: Batter hits ball, there is already a runner on 1st, Batter runs towards

1st as pitcher throws ball to 1st baseman, 1st baseman misses ball. Batter/now runner may continue to 2nd base and must stop there.)


Stealing bases: NO STEALING allowed. 


If ball hits coach pitcher, ball/batter reset.


No infield fly rule.


​Pitcher must rotate out after 2 consecutive innings and may not re enter as pitcher for the remainder of the game. 


​Pick ups: no more than 2 pick ups per game and pick ups. Only to sub with other 8u teams in league.


​Time: Time will be called when a defensive player has possession of the ball in advance of the lead runner or the ball is returned to the pitcher with at least 1 foot on the sideline of the pitcher’s circle.  Runner in continuous motion rounding through 1st  base, keeps the ball LIVE until play is made to stop advance of lead runner.


​Additional Coaches: In addition to base coaches, only a coach in the pitcher’s circle is allowed on the field of play. 

·        The pitching coach may not coach runners at ANY time. This will result as a strike against batter. 

·        The pitching coach must make an effort to avoid interfering with the play.

·        If it is the umpire’s judgement that the coach interferes unintentionally with the batted ball and/or defensive play, the ball will be declared dead and the pitch replayed. If the umpire’s judgement is that a coach interferes intentionally, the lead runner is out, and the play replayed. If there are no runners, the batter is out. 

·        Coach Pitcher must pitch with one foot in circle.

Runs scored would not count: 

·        When the third out is a force out. 

·        When the third out is a batted ball in flight that is caught or prevented from being caught by interference. 

·        If a base running infraction were the third out, runs scored by the following runner(s) would not count 

·        When a runner crosses home plate after a preceding runner is declared the third out for a base running infraction. 

·        With two outs, if the base missed were the first to which the batter or runner was forced to advance, no runs would score.


Games will end in tie during regular games.


​Tie Breaker for tournaments: Start new inning with last runner on 2nd base


**Protests may only involve the interpretation of a rule.**


Prior to the start of all games, the home team shall be decided by a coin toss.


​End of season tournament TBD, will begin week following conclusion of season. Will be double elimination format based on season standing.





Game Forfeiture: An Official forfeiture will take place if a team has less than 8 players at game time. However, the league still encourages a practice game to take place. If you need a girl to fill in, they must be registered girls within the league. Coach may not choose who the fill in is, that will be left up to the board members and the coach of the team from which the fill in player comes from.

Early Departure: All early departures by players before the game is officially over must be brought to the attention of the opposing coach and the official scorekeeper. No out will take place for the player leaving if due to an injury.


Substitution/batting: All players must bat and in batting order. Free substitutions may be made in the field only. 



  • Gloves/Mitts: All players must have a glove. Mitts may only be used by the catcher and 1st baseman. Pitcher shall only use a solid-colored glove while pitching (does not include eyelets, lacing or patch on the back of glove).

  • Helmets: All helmets must have chin strap and face mask. 

  • Bats: Are to be USSSA approved.

  • Facemasks: strongly encouraged for all players on field but required for infield (6u, 8u, 10u, 12u, 14u)

  • Playing Field: All team members, including coaches, team representatives, and players will remain inside the playing field during the course of the game. (Exceptions: warming up and restroom breaks with permission of the coach)


Book Keeping: Official books will be kept by the home team.


Softball type: See USSSA Rule book.


Ejection:   The coach is responsible to encourage and deescalate parents in the stands. If parent is ejected from the game, then the Head coach is ejected also.   

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