10U Ball is a 11-inch USSSA approved ball.
12U & 14 U Ball is a 12 Inch USSA approved ball
League will provide game balls.
Game Length: 60 mins and no new innings after 55 mins.
Playing Time: All players must play at least every other inning per game. There will be 10 defensive players on the field. Four of the players must play in the outfield. Outfielders must remain at least 10 feet behind the base lines. There are free substitutions in the field.
Batting: The batting line up will be all players present. An automatic out will be taken if only 8 batters. If a player cannot continue due to an injury or illness, that player will be skipped and no out will be counted, just be sure the bookkeepers are aware of this rule.
Bat should be no longer than 34 inches or weigh more than 30oz
(see USSSA rules for more details)
Extra rules to read in USSSA Handbook or Online:
Infield fly rule
3rd drop strike: If the catcher does not catch the ball on the 3rd strike, the runner may attempt to steal 1st base if 1st base is unoccupied. If the catcher catches the 3rd strike pitch then the batter is out.
Look back rule-is in effect when the ball is live, the batter-runner has touched first base or has been declared out, and the pitcher has possession of the ball (e.g. has the ball in their hand, glove, under the arm or chin, between their legs) within the 16-foot circle. Any runner(s) in motion may continue without stopping or may stop once. Any runner who is stopped or stops their motion must immediately move directly back to the last base touched or attempt to advance to the next base. Once the runner stops at a base for any reason, they may not move off that base. Batter-runner who overruns first and does not without delay attempt to advance to second is committed to return to first and stop. The runner, off base, may not stand motionless. There does not need to be any motion or recognition by the pitcher. Failure of the runner to respond as indicated shall cause the Umpire to signal the runner out. The ball shall be declared dead. If the pitcher no longer has possession of the ball with
Runner must slide at home plate: when play is being made at home, or runner may be called out depending on umpire discretion of ball locations and play being made.
Pitcher: 10u Pitchers will pitch from 35ft distance. 12u Pitchers will pitch from 40ft. 14u Pitchers will pitch from 43ft.
Runner may not leave base until the pitch leaves the pitcher's hand. Runner may be called out.
Pick ups: no more than 2 pick ups per game and pick ups must remain in the outfield.
Runs scored would not count:
When the third out is a force out.
When the third out is a batted ball in flight that is caught or prevented from being caught by interference.
If a base running infarction were the third out, runs scored by the following runner(s) would not count
When a runner crosses home plate after a preceding runner is declared
With two outs, if the base missed were the first to which the batter or runner was forced to advance, no runs would score.
Protests of ump call may only involve the interpretation of a rule not a judgement call. Head coach will need to call time with the umpire to discuss.
Coin toss will occur prior to the game starting with both coaches and umpire present at the plate to determine the home team.
Coach can not touch/nudge/push players off bases to get them to run. Umpire may call this as a game interference and play may be called out.
Metal cleats are only allowed in 14u, no intentional cleating shall occur. If intentional cleating is called by ump, it is a player ejection from the game and metal cleats will not be allowed for that player in future games.
Tie Breaker: Start a new inning with a player that had the last completed bat on 2nd base.